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Energy Workforce & Technology Council 90th Anniversary
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PESA Inclusion & Diversity Leaders Analyze Strategies for Implementing Meaningful Change

PESA’s industry-leading Inclusion and Diversity Certification Program brought participants together for a structured networking session to discuss key topics that will help them develop strategies to drive inclusion and diversity changes within their companies.

As part of the event, participants were asked to prepare to discuss four questions:

  • What are some specific changes you would like to implement in your organization from the I&D Business Champion Program?
  • What obstacles will you face and how to you think you can overcome them?
  • What advice would you give the 2021 class of I&D participants?
  • How can you move an organization forward in inclusion and diversity in some way every day?

The questions were designed to help participants, who comprised the first cohort to attend the program, reflect on conversations in previous seminars and spur thinking about themselves as I&D leaders. The networking event also allowed participants to dive further into the I&D conversation outside of the seminars and expand upon topics that piqued their interest.

[su_pullquote]“The best practices are a significant benefit of the program; bouncing ideas off others, what they already did or what they are trying to do. It’s good to hear others who are coming from a similar place.” – Program Participant[/su_pullquote]

PESA’S I&D program includes interactive seminars, peer coaching and executive mentorship to help participants develop detailed plans to implement inclusion and diversity programs within organizations throughout the OFS sector. PESA transitioned the program to a virtual format when the pandemic hit, which allowed additional participants. In response to a tumultuous 2020, PESA updated the curriculum to include additional focus on racial equality.

The group meets for Sustain/Continue to Build seminar, the last of the four-seminar series, on November 10.

PESA is a resource in the inclusion and diversity sphere and looks forward to continuing to expand on this important initiative. PESA will celebrate the 2020 class in January of 2021.

For more information or to sign up for the 2021 cohort, contact Director Membership Services Carolynn Henriquez.



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