What We Do
See what Energy Workforce is doing to help member companies strengthen their ESG initiatives.
Established in January 2019, Energy Workforce’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee is dedicated to promoting and sharing best practices on ESG issues among Member Companies. To that end, in Spring 2020, Energy Workforce launched the ESG Center of Excellence – its online platform for ESG resources and information. Other Energy Workforce efforts and activities include training, advocacy, and coordinating with rating organizations.
Energy Workforce is sharing best practices from within the sector on improving business procedures, understanding reporting standards, and navigating ESG frameworks.
Energy Workforce and its members will coordinate with ratings organizations to provide education on the equipment and services sector and work towards increased standardization and transparency.
Energy Workforce will advocate for our sector with government officials and other stakeholders to share our ESG achievements.
Energy Workforce will host ESG seminars, knowledge-building programs and an online platform for the equipment and services sector.