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Energy Workforce & Technology Council 90th Anniversary
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Inclusive Leader Program

This training program will provide tools for leaders across functions to affect internal change, focusing on building internal organization capability of inclusion and diversity. Utilizing an interactive webinar format, mentoring/coaching and executive sponsorship, the course will leverage the Energy Workforce’s Diversity Toolkit and strategies to help companies create individual plans of action. Course content includes perspective from leading diverse global companies and industry leaders.


  • Course pre-work utilizing the Energy Workforce Diversity Study Maturity Index to self-assess, change management tools
  • Four half-day interactive webcast seminars on key learnings: Inclusion Journey, Unconscious Bias, Talent Pipeline and Retention, Business Case for Building and Sustaining facilitated by Accenture
  • Coaching and mentorship
  • Two executive plenary sessions with executive sponsor
  • Required final report outlining plan for internal integration

 The desired outcomes are:

  • Create common goals: Common goals create common bonds, if everyone doesn’t move forward at the same time, the initiative will fail.
  • Confront unconscious bias: Everyone has unconscious biases that originate in the brain – the amygdala, to be precise. This part of the brain reacts strongly when it sees pictures of races different from its owner. Recognizing the tribal nature of people and working with it (see above: create common goals) can help remove this “other-ness” response.
  • Focus on inclusion: Inclusion goes beyond just hiring for diversity. Inclusion actively seeks out, embraces, and encourages different ways of approaching and solving problems.
  • Move away from prohibitive language: Introduce the idea of choosing to lean into a diverse workplace instead of demanding or requiring that all employees accept each other

Target Participants
Two to three individual nominations plus executive sponsor with consideration to a diverse team. Cross-functional leaders with span of influence, demonstrated interest, internal credibility and strategic thinking skills. Individuals identified in the succession planning pipeline would be good candidates.

Program Duration – 12 months
Time Investment – 4 hours per month
Financial Investment – Members $4,500, Non-members $5,500
Program Sponsorship – $5,000 per organization

2023 Course Dates
Class Webinars: March 8, May 17, September 20, November 8 (8 a.m. – 12 p.m.)
Best Practice Knowledge Sharing Webinars: March 22, June 14, October 11, December 6 (12 – 1 p.m.)

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