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Operations Leadership Program Hosted in Houston

Energy Workforce held the first Operations Leadership Program in Houston in mid-November, where participants gathered at NOV to learn tools and strategies to help develop and refine leadership skills within their roles.

Participants included Member Companies Hunting, NOV, Solaris Oilfield Infrastructure and Superior Energy Services. The session was sponsored by strategic partners Chevron and SLB.

The Operations Leadership Program developed by Energy Workforce’s Advisory Board and HR Committee is a two-day seminar with a one-on-one executive coaching session designed to transform managers from individual contributors into effective leaders.

Seminar facilitator and Envision Founder and CEO Pat Lipovski and his team worked with the group over two days, exploring and analyzing practices that support development of organizational networks and culture. They applied leadership tools, such as goal setting and strategies for effective communication. Participants learned about the most common leadership styles and coaching models, and identified how to recognize ideal candidates for development.

I have to say this program is by far the best leadership program I’ve attended in my 20 years in the industry. My employees, peers and leaders will all benefit from my learnings, as well as my family.”

Program Participant

During the seminar, participants broke out into group, in order to practice the tools and models being shared, as well as role play. Groups reported what they discussed, such as what makes a great leader, how to create and build trust within your teams, how to deliver effective feedback, change management and more. The breakouts provided the participants time to put the tools into practice, all while developing relationships with people across the sector.

“Thank you for opening my eyes to other ways to view and handle situations. I appreciate the time spent on my personal situation.”

Program Participant

Participants discussed “living above the line,” by taking ownership, accountability and responsibility instead of blame, excuses and denial. Incorporating accountability into one’s daily routine demonstrates servant leadership and fosters engagement. Increased engagement promotes relatability, which sets the stage to provide necessary feedback to employees. This model was extremely well-received by the group.

“I will use the Living Above the Line model in all aspects of work and life.”

Program Participant

Following the program, each participant will have an executive coaching session, providing an opportunity for the participants to invest time in themselves and discover ways to fill gaps, identify blind spots and build upon the other skills they already have in place.

Registration is now open for the 2023 Operations Leadership Program. For more information about Energy Workforce training programs, contact Vice President Programs & Events Peggy Helfert.

Roni Ashley, Director Operations, writes about the Energy Workforce’s membership, workforce development and more. Click here to subscribe to the Energy Workforce newsletter, which highlights sector-specific issues, best practices, activities and more.


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