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Energy Workforce & Technology Council 90th Anniversary
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What We Do

Public Policy

The energy technology and services sector accounts for more than 645,000 American jobs. As that number grows, so too does the significance of the critical policy issues facing this sector. Energy Workforce is a strong advocate for our members by working toward fair and practical trade practices, balanced regulatory measures, and increased access to onshore and offshore resources.

Federal Leasing Ban

During President Biden’s first term, a leasing ban on federal lands will like increase carbon emissions, as well as lead to job losses across the United States. By 2040, the total cost of a leasing ban on federal lands alone amounts to $640 billion in lost GDP and more than 343,000 jobs. States would forego $152 billion in tax revenue and workers would fail to earn $286 billion.

Free Trade

Energy Workforce supports efforts to foster pro-business emphasis on fair cooperation, retention of dispute settlement mechanisms, and robust intellectual property protections. We also advocate a predictable long-term trade environment that allows for confident cooperation and dependable supply chains.


Offshore Access

Access to and responsible development of U.S. offshore energy resources is vital to a robust, forward-looking energy policy that will help secure the nation’s energy supply and economic prosperity. Energy Workforce supports the comprehensive approach in the draft National OCS Program, particularly the inclusion of the EGOM.

Tariffs and Trade

Energy Workforce Members generally do not support tariffs as a solution to rectify trade imbalances. Energy Workforce supports a balanced approach to trade and tariffs that both addresses illicit practices and considers economic implications for U.S. businesses. Such an approach is achievable with stakeholder input and deliberative policymaking.

Regulatory Reform

Pragmatic and environmentally sound regulatory reforms are key to streamlining oil and gas development. Energy Workforce is committed to advocating for reforms that create substantial, long-term change and integrate the newest technologies across the industry. Most importantly, Energy Workforce supports the rigorous application of evidence-based science that weighs the societal costs and benefits of regulatory changes.

Jobs Report

Policy News
HOUSTON—Today, Energy Workforce & Technology Council, Independent Petroleum Association of America, US Oil and Gas...
On Thursday of last week, the House passed H.R. 7176, “Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential...
Energy Workforce hosted the latest session of the second Executive Leadership: Integrated Leadership program last...


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