The PESA Health and Safety Committee launched the much-anticipated PESA Health & Safety Benchmarking Digital Platform in August. The application uses anonymized company data to identify baseline performance standards, illuminating strengths and weaknesses against industry peers.
Users now have access to information yet unavailable in other industry databases.
After inputting their data, users can compare themselves to size and industry class peers on:
- Number of recordable cases due to illness, injury or fatality
- Number of days away from work due to illness or injury
- Number of cases and days away from work involving restricted work activity or job transfer
- Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)
- Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
- Motor Vehicle Incident Rate (MVIR)
For maximum flexibility, reports will be printable and easily convertible into charts and graphs.
The platform is operational on most iOS and Android mobile devices.
PESA understands the sensitive nature of an organization’s health and safety data. To ensure confidentiality, critical steps to keep company-specific data secure have been added. Users will only see their respective data; to anyone else, their data will be unidentifiable. The platform’s software is designed to function autonomously, requiring minimal outside intervention to maintain high confidentiality standards.
The most critical determiner of the platform’s success is member investment. The more members contribute their data early on, the more accurate and generalizable the reports will be. The first year’s payment will also ensure access through the end of 2019, providing excellent value for members who subscribe. The annual subscription fee is $500 for PESA members, $750 for non-members.
PESA’s strategy with this project is to grow and develop over time with increased member users. With the support of our membership, this goal, and by extension, the platform’s increased usefulness, will be more quickly achieved.
The PESA Health and Safety Committee includes representation from Baker Hughes, a GE Company, BJ Services, Cummins, DistributionNOW, Ellwood Group, Energy Alloys, Fairfield Geotechnologies, Gardner Denver, GR Energy Services, Gravity Oilfield Services, Halliburton, Hoover Ferguson, Key Energy Services, LoneStar Group, McGriff, Seibels & Williams, NOV, Oil States International, PwC, Stream-Flo, TechnipFMC and Weatherford.
Please reach out to PESA Director Membership Services Peggy Helfert for more information on the platform or how to become engaged in the PESA Health & Safety Committee.