Energy Workforce’s Well Servicing, Well Stimulation Services and HSE committees are setting new industry standards through member engagement in several new working groups. Working group participants have the opportunity to use their expertise to shape the future of industry standards and practices. The working groups are taking a comprehensive look at the sector when developing recommended practice rewrites to cultivating original documents that will shape the next chapter of the industry.
Well Servicing
The Well Servicing Committee is on the front line of industry standards development with several active working groups. The committee is rewriting the “Recommended Best Practices & Guidelines for Oil and Gas Well Servicing,” which is focused on prevention of unwanted health, safety or environmental events. The Orphan Wells Working Group is another Well Servicing Committee initiative with the goal of developing a best practices document to help support and educate the sector for plugging orphaned wells. The document will detail and emphasize safety standards and requirements that should be considered during the initial bidding process of all upcoming plug and abandon (P&A) projects.
The Well Control Working Group is reviewing plans to develop a well control training program specific to well servicing. The concept is this training program would serve as the industry standard training for well control following the completion of API 16WS.
The Energy Workforce & Technology Council SecureWell training course is a groundbreaking program that addresses the specifics of well control operation and safety. This program will serve as the premiere training program for well control and containment for cased hole well servicing. The valuable training this program will provide will prepare well servicing personnel on the specifics of well control and containment. The course will fill a current void in industry training, covering the specifics of these important well control skills.
Well Stimulation Services
The Well Stimulation Services Committee is utilizing their member’s expertise on hydraulic fracturing to develop a “Best Safety Practices – Hydraulic Fracturing with New Technologies and Innovation” document. With a focus on natural gas use in the field, this document aims to mitigate risks by setting a detailed standard for proper natural gas utilization on site.
Last year, the HSE Committee held a series of COVID-19 townhall meetings for Member Companies to share best practices and discuss a wide range of tools they used to keep their employees safe. The Safety Awards honor Member Companies that have produced exemplary safety records. This year, the Safety Awards Working Group is being formed to update the award categories given the association’s broadened membership.
The HSE Role in ESG Subcommittee aims to collaborate with the Council’s ESG Committee and take a deep, technical dive into the environmental aspects surrounding ESG standards. The Human Performance Principals Subcommittee will be formed to take a deeper look at how companies can achieve human error avoidance by bypassing the “who’s” and “what’s” and getting to the root of why mistakes occur in the field.
If you or your company are interested in joining any of these working groups, contact Director Government Affairs Deidre Kohlrus.
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