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Executive Leadership Program Networking Session Addresses Importance of Mentorship

The Emerging Executives Committee and Executive Leadership Program participants recently attended a virtual networking event, where small-group breakout sessions facilitated dialogue that helped forge ties between students of the three programs: Integrated Leadership, Helping Clients Succeed and Cultivating High Performing Teams and Cultures. The virtual format enabled more than 60 individuals from around the country to attend.

Emerging Executives Committee Member Cole Wardell, General Manager-Power Systems Sales, Warren Cat facilitated the session, which took participants through breakout discussions focused on topics selected and distributed in advance.

The Emerging Executives Committee designed the format to help attendees identify career development and leadership behaviors that work for them and brainstorm ways to continue development post-graduation, including opportunities to develop others. The questions also provide the Energy Workforce with feedback to tailor programming for future cohorts.

Discussion questions covered the value of mentoring, how to improve mentorship, accountability within a mentoring relationship, and maintaining mentoring responsibilities.

Participants in the small group discussions shared key takeaways with the entire group at the end of the session.

“Something valuable I learned is that we all had similar questions and were in similar situations, which made me feel like I am not the only one new to having a mentor/being a mentee. I am very excited about exploring this mentorship opportunity.”

Another participant discussed the lack of overall mentorship in the industry,

“We came to the consensus that overall, in oil and gas, we lack mentorship programs within our industry, so to see this becoming an up-and-coming thing is super beneficial. Some people just don’t know what to do, what to ask or expect, so something valuable we discussed was going over questions you can ask or topics you can talk about with your mentor and how the mentee drives a mentor/mentee relationship. In other words, how can you make it the most productive and get the most out of it for you and the mentor.”

One final takeaway was from a participant who highlighted the importance of mentorship for people starting off in the industry.

“As a more seasoned person in the industry, I think the mentor/mentee relationship over the years has fallen by the wayside, but I really believe it’s something that we need to be stronger at to keep young people and new folks coming into this industry.”

For more information about the Emerging Executives Committee or the Executive Leadership Program, contact Vice President, Programs & Events Peggy Helfert.

Peggy Helfert, Vice President Programs & Events, writes about the Energy Workforce’s sector-specific best practices and leadership. Click here to subscribe to the Energy Workforce newsletter, which highlights sector-specific issues, best practices, activities and more.



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