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Faces of the Energy Workforce: High-Performer Spotlight, Zack Hernandez, ProPetro Services Inc.

Zack Hernandez, Vice President of Engineering, for ProPetro Services Inc., is a graduate of the Energy Workforce Executive Leadership Program. He recently shared his insights on the energy services and technology sector.

Energy Workforce: What is your role with the company? What are your core responsibilities? What does a typical day look like?

ZH: As VP of Engineering, I oversee all technical aspects of our business. In addition to our engineering ops duties, a lot of our focus is currently on equipment and digital technology. A typical day can vary greatly but usually consists of meeting internally with other leaders in our company or externally with our valued customers and vendors to discuss how engineering can maximize efficiencies within our industry.

EW: Why did you join the energy industry? Was there an individual who influenced your decision? Was there an event or piece of technology that got you excited?

ZH: Even though I’m 3rd generation in my family to work in the oilfield, I had no intentions of entering the oil industry coming out of college. My main focus was business administration and finance. Nonetheless, I had many friends that had already entered the oilfield and being raised in Midland, TX, it was hard to run from. I am blessed to say that Adam Munoz, current President and COO, sold me on an idea that ProPetro was building something special.

EW: What individual has been most instrumental in helping with your career? What did their mentorship look like and how did it guide your path?

ZH: I’d say Adam has been most instrumental throughout my 13 years here at ProPetro. From working as a field engineer my first 4 years to transitioning into a supervisor role and up, he’s always been there to lead me along the right path. With ProPetro being a Midland based company, I’ve been able to work with him closely on how he operates at a higher position and model my behaviors similarly. He’s always empowered me to make my own decisions whether it be out in the field or department related and also quick to correct me on wrong decisions I might have made.

EW: What has surprised you most about the industry? 

ZH: Bar none, it has to be the resiliency. I’ve been through a couple downturns now in addition to the COVID-led pandemic, and every time you think we can’t rebound from this, we come back even stronger. The quick adoption and transition to more technology driven equipment and processes has been awesome to see unfold.

EW: How has your involvement in Energy Workforce supported your career goals? 

ZH: I think the networking and training alongside other highly driven individuals in similar roles has helped me become more comfortable in my new VP role.

EW: What’s a technology or innovation you’ve seen in the sector that impressed you?

ZH: The transition from diesel to natural gas and eventually the grid to power our equipment has been awesome to be a part of. I think the challenge to reduce operating costs and at the same being more environmentally friendly was a tough ask, but one that has evolved into something pretty remarkable.

EW: What advice would you give someone just getting started in the energy industry?

ZH: All the experience, knowledge, and work ethic still live in the field. Although, I’ve been out of a field role for longer than I’ve been in a management role and been a part of transitioning our company to more remote ops, the one thing that can never be replaced is the hard work our fleets do out in the field. The data we collect helps our fleets focus on where we can get better, but at the end of the day the work those guys put in – day in, day out – can not be underestimated. The grind out there is where I learned the most during my 13 years in the industry.

EW: What do you wish other people knew about oil and gas?

ZH: Simply put, it’s essential to our liveliness. Aside from the obvious need for more affordable energy to power ours and other countries economies, the petroleum used in just about everything we purchase will always be needed.

EW: What do you do for fun or what’s your idea of a perfect vacation?

ZH: All-inclusive resort with a beach and crystal-clear water, a golf course nearby, great food and cold drinks!

EW: What’s a fun fact people would never guess about you?

ZH: I had the privilege of coaching my son’s football team for a number of years. In 2021 we won our league and were invited to play in the national tournament in Tampa, Florida. We didn’t have as much success there as the competition was stiff, but it was an awesome experience for me and our boys. I feel coaching gives me another avenue to build on my leadership skills and watching them grow in to awesome young men has been rewarding in itself.

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