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Energy Workforce & Technology Council 90th Anniversary
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80 Companies Join PESA Membership Luncheon Featuring Chris Fussell

2017 PESA Membership LuncheonFormer Navy SEAL and New York Times bestselling author Chris Fussell gave a keynote address during PESA’s Membership Luncheon on October 30.

Fussell, leadership consultant for McChrystal Group and author of “One Mission: How Leaders Build a Team of Teams,” spoke to the audience about how to make organizations flatter and more interconnected, taking his military (Special Operations) experience and translating it into the corporate world. He explained that although there may be various groups within an organization that run well, they may also run in isolation.

Today, as our world continuously changes, traditional paths for connecting teams do not work well. Aligning teams and improving collaboration relies heavily of the willingness of employees at all levels to identify and commit to a common vision and mission. Only then can the silos be broken down and cross-functional collaboration be promoted.

Fussell also highlighted how interconnecting teams can be difficult, as most organizations are used to a hierarchical environment. As long as senior leaders can be comfortable in the middle of the organization rather than sitting at the top of the pyramid, a well-developed, interconnected network can thrive.

PESA would like to thank the event sponsors Baker Hughes, a GE company; Gardner Denver; GR Energy Services; Hoover Ferguson; LoneStar Group; NOV and Weir Oil & Gas.

Attendees from more than 80 companies met senior leaders in the oilfield service, supply, and manufacturing sector and learned how PESA membership can benefit their company. If you know of a company in the oilfield that would benefit from PESA membership, please reach out to Peggy Helfert.




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