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Colorado: Attorney General Sues Over Sage Grouse Listing

Upstream Conventional & Unconventional Onshore Development

Following through on a promise made by Governor John Hickenlooper earlier this year, The Colorado Attorney General’s office filed a notice of intent to sue over the listing of the Gunnison sage grouse as a “threatened species” under the Endangered Species Act. The notice of intent to sue was addressed to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Fish and Wildlife Service director Daniel M. Ashe, and claims that the science used to evaluate the status of the sage grouse did not consider conservation efforts already underway by state and local governments. Environmentalist organizations have charged that the listing does not go far enough to protect the grouse, and the Center for Biological Diversity and the Western Watersheds Project filed and intent to sue on November 20 to change the grouse’s status to “endangered.” Both intents to sue must be made 60 days before a complaint can be filed.




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