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Dr. Ahmad Salem Discusses AI at Energy Workforce Middle East Chapter Meeting

Energy Workforce’s Middle East Chapter, led by Advisory Board Member and Chapter Chair Daniel Watson, President, Energy Alloys Global Solutions, hosted its spring chapter meeting featuring Dr. Ahmad Salem, AIQ, for a discussion about AI and how it is reshaping the future of energy.

AIQ develops AI applications for the global oil and gas industry in an effort to accelerate industry adoption of advanced technologies in the UAE.

Reshaping the Future of Energy

Dr. Salem spoke about how implementing artificial intelligence in the oil and gas industry will reshape the future of energy and requires addressing bottlenecks while adopting a comprehensive approach to identify business pain points, measure potential value, and promote collaboration.

One of the significant challenges in implementing AI in the oil and gas industry is the abundance of data coupled with its complexity. Data is generated from various sources, including suppliers and partner services, leading to a fragmented landscape where different disciplines operate in isolation, setting goals and plans for their own units and departments. This siloed approach limits collaboration and hinders the utilization of data for broader insights and decision-making.

Another challenge is the existence of “dark data” within the sector. Dark data refers to untagged and unsearchable information. “In the oil and gas industry, approximately 83% of generated data is considered to reside in this black hole,” noted Dr. Salem. Unlocking the potential of dark data requires efforts to tag and organize it effectively, enabling efficient search and analysis to extract valuable insights.

To make AI work effectively in the oil and gas industry, a comprehensive approach is needed. From a top-down perspective, it is crucial to identify the pain points in the business, measure the potential impact of AI solutions, and determine quick wins. Simultaneously, a bottom-up approach involves identifying specific business problems, evaluating the potential value of AI applications, and conducting experiments to validate their effectiveness.

By addressing the challenges related to data management, collaboration, and adopting a comprehensive approach to AI implementation, the oil and gas industry can tap into the vast potential offered by AI, reshaping the future of energy and revolutionizing operations in the sector.

The Middle East Chapter maintains engagement in the region and identifies opportunities for the Council to support region-specific issues and grow as a resource to the sector. It hosts an annual golf tournament and fall chapter meeting during ADIPEC. If you want to further engage with the Middle East Chapter, please contact Maria Suarez-Simmons at [email protected].

Maria Suarez-Simmons, Senior Director Energy Policy, writes about industry-specific policies for the Energy Workforce & Technology Council. Click here to subscribe to the Energy Workforce newsletter, which highlights sector-specific issues, best practices, activities and more.


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