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EFD Virtual Site Adds Production Pad and Offshore Sites

The ‘EFD Virtual Site’ ( is a free, online, interactive website/tool initially designed to help foster environmental stewardship as part of O&G workforce development. With this, came the added benefit of sharing with those outside of industry, not only about the processes of energy production, but also some of the improvements to safety technologies and environmental protection systems being used to address various issues associated with development.

Like a video game, anyone can explore a virtual Drilling Rig and Hydraulic Fracturing site without leaving their desk. Hot spots provide information on equipment and process technologies. Click on a hot spot and a manual pops up that provides general information, shares environmentally friendlier alternatives, and provides literature, case studies and/or videos on the equipment/practices.

The EFD Virtual Site has added the Virtual Production Pad site and the Virtual Offshore Safety Awareness (VOSA) site. The objective of these additions is to share some of the practices and technologies that foster a culture of safety and emergency preparedness as well as some of the environmental protection measures, different states’ rules/regulations, and best management practices associated with oil and gas development in various phases and locations.

For information, visit or or contact Andra Wilcox.



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