While recent political focus has been on the ballot box, the debate over hydraulic fracturing continues in states across the country.
On November 4, the Editorial Board of the Denver Post voiced its strong support for hydraulic fracturing. According to the editorial:
Hydraulic fracturing “has been a very good thing for the country and it continues to be a good thing for Colorado. We should support the industry as it works to do more, better, cheaper, instead of threatening to pull the rug out from under progress.”
Earlier this year, activist groups in Colorado attempted to secure enough signatures to allow two initiatives on the November 2016 ballot that would have significantly restricted oil and gas development. While those efforts were unsuccessful, these efforts are likely to continue in the future.
On the other side of the issue, the Pennsylvania Medical Society’s 300-member House of Debates recently approved a resolution calling for a moratorium on new hydraulic fracturing in the Commonwealth.
The doctor’s group had considered a similar resolution three years ago, but the author of this year’s resolution stated that “growing evidence has shown its [hydraulic fracturing’s] increasing deleterious effects outweighs any economic benefit.”
The resolution is a sign that debate in Pennsylvania and other states that are home to shale development is only going to continue to grow more active and increasingly involve oilfield service, supply, and manufacturing companies.