On August 5, more than 60 individuals from 30 Member Companies joined the second of two virtual workshops to analyze results of the Council’s 2021 Inclusion & Diversity Study and identify next steps and action plans for the sector to build on its progress since 2018.
The study, conducted in partnership with Accenture, found that despite the pandemic and lower oil prices in 2020, the percentage of women in the U.S. energy technology and services sector rose from 16% to nearly 20% over the past three years, countering a recent trend of women dropping out of the overall national workforce. The research for the first time quantified racial and ethnic representation, finding these groups comprise 25% of the sector’s workforce and setting an important baseline.
The workshop was led by Council I&D Engagement Committee Chair Lamonica Spivey, Inclusion, Diversity & Corporate Social Responsibility Director, TechnipFMC, and Council COO Molly Determan. It began with a high-level summary of the study’s results from Diana Alcala, Accenture, followed by an introduction to the small group breakout sessions by I&D Engagement Committee Member, Lauren Noyes, Head of Talent, ChampionX. The attendees built upon analysis from the first workshop by discussing key topics from the perspectives of different stakeholders in the industry.
Participants focused on top priorities, tools the Council should develop to support advancing with those priorities, and specific best practices or roundtable discussions the Council could host to facilitate further learning.
“Diversity and inclusion can’t be a stand-alone strategy supported only by HR,” said one participant. “It needs to be tied to the overall business strategy. CEOs need to understand why tracking is important to enable more transparency.”
“Picking your focus areas around ESG, and diversity and inclusion is important,” said another. “You also have to determine whether you’re going to focus on benchmarking and advancing against external benchmarks or internal measures of what constitutes progress for that company.”
Among the suggestions for tools the Council could help provide, participants discussed:
- Continuing and expanding surveys
- Providing communications tools such as talking points and educational materials
- Helping establish diverse talent pipelines for the sector
- Sharing and promoting best practices
“A culture of inclusion actively appreciates the differences among employees, including race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion and education. It benefits organizations by infusing fresh approaches, enhancing company culture, improving efficiency and spurring innovation. A commitment to advancing inclusion and diversity within each company is a commitment to a future where the services and technology sector leads the way in attracting the best talent who will produce the energy the world needs in the cleanest way possible.”
Council COO Molly Determan.
For additional information or to get involved with the Council’s work on diversity and inclusion, contact Council COO Molly Determan.
Kevin Broom, Director Communications and Research, writes about the Council’s sector-specific best practices and leadership. Click here to subscribe to the Council’s newsletter, which highlights industry practices, workforce development, Council activities and more.