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Latin America Chapter Hosts Reception for Argentine Energy Leaders

Energy Workforce’s Latin America Chapter hosted a reception at U.S. Ambassador Marc Stanley’s residence in Buenos Aires on September 13 during the Argentina Oil & Gas Expo.

The chapter, led by Jorge Vidal, SLB, and Santiago Pojmaevich, GD Energy Products, served as a platform for key Argentine energy leaders and leading regional executives from the energy industry to build their Latin American networks and strengthen relationships with key U.S. and Argentine government officials. Producers Chevron, ExxonMobil and YPF were also in attendance.

In his remarks, Ambassador Stanley gave an optimistic outlook for the future of energy production in Argentina. He noted the opportunities for U.S. companies to share their innovations and technologies with a government that is committed to expanding energy production. As the global energy crisis continues, the Ambassador said there was no better time to support U.S. companies given their new technologies and expertise. Ambassador Stanley also commended Energy Workforce for its commitment to advancing the industry through education and advocacy programs.

Energy Workforce President Tim Tarpley highlighted the continued partnership between Energy Workforce and the U.S. State Department through its international chapters, and the State Department Houston Energy Course training program. He discussed the role energy services companies play in the responsible development of energy around the world. Tarpley also emphasized the sector’s commitment to the advancement of technology and workforce to provide oil and natural gas in a cleaner, more reliable and efficient way.

Participants at the Argentina Oil & Gas Expo included Energy Workforce Members Baker Hughes, Chevron, Cummins, GD Energy Products, Halliburton and SLB.

The chapter plans to host its next meeting this fall and is engaging on resource access issues across the region. If you are interested in joining the chapter steering committee, contact Senior Director Energy Policy Maria Suarez-Simmons.

Deidre Almstead Kohlrus, Senior Director Government Affairs, writes about industry-specific policies for the Energy Workforce & Technology Council. Click here to subscribe to the Energy Workforce newsletter, which highlights sector-specific issues, best practices, activities and more.


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