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Members Discuss Return to Work, Vaccination Policies During Townhall

HSEQ-HR Townhall: Return to WorkDuring a virtual HSEQ/HR Townhall, Kelly Munson, Chief Administrative and Information Officer at DistributionNOW, and Gary Childress, Vice President – QHS&E at Oil States Energy Services, shared findings from a Council survey of member companies about return-to-work strategies.

According to the survey, 56% of companies are planning a phased return-to-work reopening. More than a third said full staff was already back in the office. Just 11% are still formulating their plans.

The timing for a return to the office is largely to be determined. While 38% of companies have their full complement of workers in the office, the same number have yet to choose a date. Nearly 14% are aiming for June/July and 11% for August/September.

Half of respondents said their companies are working on in-office vs. remote/virtual work policies that will be implemented over the next year. A quarter said remote work would end completely. Companies anticipate that about 22% of employees may continue to work in a hybrid in-person and remote environment in the future.

“There was a wide range of responses to the question of how many employees would continue to work remotely. Everything from companies saying zero percent to others saying 100% — companies saying the pandemic has changed the way we work and we’re going to accept a new model going forward.”

Kelly Munson, Chief Administrative and Information Officer, DistributionNOW

Results from PwC surveys of executives and employees indicate that workers expect the return to the office to take place more slowly than employers. PwC’s findings show that remote work is in demand — 72% of employees prefer a mix of in-person and remote working. Just 9% want a traditional commute and work environment full time.

On vaccinations, more than three-fourths of respondents said their companies would encourage but not require inoculation.

“Some companies are trying to incentivize employees getting vaccinated. We’ve heard of offering an extra vacation day or other benefits for employees who receive the vaccine.”

Gary Childress, Vice President – QHS&E, Oil States Energy Services

To learn more about the HSEQ and HR Committees, contact Peggy Helfert, Senior Director Programs and Events.

Kevin Broom, Director Communications and Research, writes about the Council’s sector-specific best practices and leadership. Click here to subscribe to the Council’s newsletter, which highlights industry practices, workforce development, Council activities and more.


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