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Energy Workforce & Technology Council 90th Anniversary
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Some Perspective on Water Use

Another way of measuring water use and hydraulic fracturing is comparing the number of jobs created as a result of energy activities.

Using government jobs data and five million gallons of water — the typical amount required in a hydraulic fracturing operation — as its basis of comparison, Energy In Depth found drilling far out-distances other energy sources. Five jobs are created by hydraulic fracturing for every five million gallons of water used, compared to four jobs for solar power, and less than one for nuclear power and biomass.

How many jobs are created from 5,000,000 gallons?

Jobs Created from 5 Million Gallons of Water

Energy in Depth said, “The uproar over water usage in shale development is loud and constant, but it’s also largely unfounded. It’s an argument that has been deployed by the anti-shale camp for years, and it has never been particularly convincing. The real story is that the United States, through responsible shale development, has managed to become a global leader in energy production, all while creating American jobs and boosting our economy.”



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