Energy Workforce’s Well Servicing Committee is setting new industry standards through member engagement in a new training program. The Well Control Working Group is developing a well control training program specific to well servicing. The training program will serve as the industry standard training for well control following the completion of API 16WS. The committee has taken a comprehensive look at the sector when developing recommended practice rewrites to cultivating original documents that will shape the next chapter of the industry.
SecureWell Industry Training Program
The Energy Workforce & Technology Council SecureWell training course is a groundbreaking program that addresses the specifics of well control operation and safety. This program will serve as the premiere training program for well control and containment for cased hole well servicing. The valuable training this program will provide will prepare well servicing personnel on the specifics of well control and containment. The course will fill a current void in industry training, covering the specifics of these important well control skills.
Watch the events page for links to the new SecureWell training program when it launches in summer 2023.
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