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Energy Workforce & Technology Council 90th Anniversary
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Members Address Challenges, Resources During ESG Certification Program Best Practice Sharing Session


ESG Certification Program participants and the Council’s ESG Committee members recently met for the program’s first best practice sharing session of the year. Part of the program curriculum, the quarterly sessions allow participants to get to know one another while sharing insights on current ESG best practices, criteria and reporting.

Participants discussed questions provided in advance in virtual small-group settings. The format facilitated analysis of ESG areas causing the most difficulty, and what an ideal corporate ESG reporting and compliance unit looks like.

“Having this discussion with such a diverse group was very helpful. As we started talking through the questions, we realized that here have been folks that have been doing the right thing for a long time, but it’s not necessarily all quantified and communicated yet. This gave us an opportunity to discuss how to put thought into doing that and ways to improve something that’s obviously in its infancy and will continue to evolve.”

ESG Program Participant


Companies within the oil and gas industry are aware of society’s expectations and the many opportunities and challenges that the future holds. The program demonstrates the need for robust reporting and communication going forward. The program will share practical guidelines on why, how and what to report, as well as thorough guidance on developing a reporting strategy and framework.

Participants recommended ESG resources, books and podcasts they’d found useful through their ESG journey.

“Our group had a really good discussion, and this breakout gave us some time to talk about resources that were recommended. In addition to the powerful tool, Google, we discussed podcasts “ESG Insider” by S&P Global, “The Energy Podcast” and by Shell and the “ESG Report” with Tom Fox.”

ESG Program Participant


For more information about the ESG Certification program, contact Vice President Programs & Events Peggy Helfert.

Peggy Helfert, Vice President Programs and Events, writes about the Council’s sector-specific best practices and leadership. Click here to subscribe to the Energy Workforce newsletter, which highlights sector-specific issues, best practices, activities and more.



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