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PESA Environmental Policy Committee Meets with EPA on Regulatory Aquatic Toxicity Study

Environmental Protection Agency SealThe Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for the western portion of the Outer Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico – stewarded by EPA Region 6 – became effective on October 1, 2017 . Under the directive of this permit, and a similar permit administered by EPA Region 4 (the U.S. Southeast), industry is conducting a study of the aquatic toxicity of well treatment, completion and workover (TCW) fluids. Member companies of the Offshore Operators Committee (OOC) and PESA are spearheading this Joint Industry Project (JIP).

JIP members, including PESA’s Environmental Policy Committee Chairman John Candler, Schlumberger, met with representatives from EPA Regions 4 and 6 on January 30 to obtain clarification on the scope and requirements of the study. JIP members provided an overview of industry’s operations, including discharge and disposal processes. The EPA indicated that the objective of the study is to assess the risk of TCW fluids. The meeting will help to form protocol as the JIP moves forward with the study.

If you have any questions or would like to become involved in PESA Environment Policy Committee, please contact PESA Senior Director  Public Policy, Jean Gould.



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