While significant industry challenges were faced in 2016, true achievements for PESA were realized, benefiting each of your individual companies, our sector and industry thanks to the leadership from PESA’s Board of Directors and Advisory Board.
Thus far in 2017, we have reached the highest membership renewal rate in decades, committees have a sharper focus, new task force groups have formed as critical issues have arisen; all reflecting the Association’s positive momentum. We are truly appreciative of the Board and Advisory Board’s leadership of PESA in 2016, and look forward to continuing the progress in 2017.
PESA’s vision of providing a united voice for the oilfield service and supply sector, promoting and reinforcing our role as innovators and supporting our membership through networking opportunities, elevation of key issues and targeted workforce development is reflected in our mantra: Train. Elevate. Network. We have grown stronger and more focused, and will continue that commitment in 2017.