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PESA Requests Postponement of Compliance Dates for BLM Rule

Per a Presidential Executive Order promoting energy independence and economic growth, the Department of Interior (DOI) was requested to review the methane venting and flaring rule which was promulgated by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and took effect January 17, 2017. If the DOI concludes the rule is not aligned with current energy policy, then DOI is to suspend, revise or rescind the rule.

Given DOI’s review may take an extended period of time, PESA requested in a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke that compliance dates for the subject rule be extended for at least two years. PESA believes it is prudent to postpone these deadlines so that companies do not take actions and make expenditures that may eventually be deemed unnecessary if the rule is suspended, revised or rescinded.

Industry’s fundamental position has been the BLM methane rule is unnecessary, since there has been significant reduction in methane emissions during the past decade despite increased natural gas production. Technologies and innovations by PESA’s member companies have been instrumental in providing safer and more environmentally sustainable production methods.

PESA will continue to work with the American Petroleum Institute and other trade associations as the issue moves forward in the regulatory arena. If you have any questions, please contact PESA Sr. Director of Public Policy, Jean Gould.



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