The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) latest plan is designed to regulate methane emissions from the oil and natural gas industry. The plan aims to cut emissions by 40% to 45% from 2012 levels over the next decade.
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“Through innovation within the industry, we have been able to achieve significant progress in reducing methane emissions. The consequences of these new, unnecessary emission standards will be job loss, lower production, and a reduction in exploration,” said PESA President Leslie Shockley Beyer. “This latest policy places an undue burden on the working men and women of the energy industry.”
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While natural gas and domestic oil production has risen significantly since 2005, methane emissions from the sector have dropped roughly 15%. Methane emissions from hydraulically-fractured natural gas wells are down 79% since 2005. Moreover, manufacturers who have expanded in the U.S., adding about 900,000 jobs since 2010, will incur a dramatic loss in resources.
The EPA is expected to complete the rules in 2016, after a public comment period.