PESA hosted Oklahoma City Rep. Kendra Horn (D-OK-5) during a Government Affairs Townhall led by PESA Advisory Board Member and Government Affairs Committee Chair Todd Ennenga, Halliburton, and PESA Vice President Government Affairs Tim Tarpley.
Rep. Horn opened the August 28 virtual meeting by asserting she has “an understanding and appreciation for the energy sector,” as well as the need for the equipment and services sector. Since her election in 2018, Rep. Horn has visited a Kimray facility in Oklahoma City and met with PESA Leadership during its annual Washington D.C. fly-in.
Part of Rep. Horn’s leadership in Congress includes membership in the Oil and Gas Caucus, which educates congressional colleagues about “the importance of oil and gas to the overall energy economy.” The caucus creates a dialogue to push back on misinformed rhetoric that can lead to calls for a ban on fracking.
Rep. Horn described her efforts to support the industry, including urging House Democratic leadership to fund a state-run program to plug abandoned oil wells around the country in recent stimulus legislation. As previously discussed with Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, this funding would provide employment opportunities for oil and gas workers since most of this work is expected to be completed by U.S. oil service companies.
In the longer term, Rep. Horn is focused on protecting energy sustainability by ensuring research and development dollars continue to go towards fossil fuels, carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) and tax credits that incentive technological development.
Responding to a question, Rep. Horn said the industry needs more outreach and communication with members of the Democratic caucus. When it comes to cleaner and cheaper energy, Rep. Horn said, “It’s not an us versus them, or an either/or. It’s a matter of “yes, and.” She said oil and gas messaging to her Democratic colleagues could support her work to educate her fellow legislators.
Rep. Horn also shared analysis of the recent Supreme Court decision around Tribal Lands in Oklahoma. Currently, the tribes are negotiating with the state to preserve their sovereignty and provide clarity between the two entities. Horn said the Oklahoma congressional delegation is working closely with the state and tribes to find a workable path forward for all parties.
Rep. Horn said passing the draft energy package by Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX-7) was a legislative priority because of its focus on federal research, technology and R&D investments. Addressing proposed limited liability protections for companies dealing with COVID-19, Horn emphasized the need for clarity in current OSHA and CDC guidelines to hold bad actors accountable and support good actors.
If you are interested in joining the Government Affairs Committee or receiving invitations to upcoming townhalls, please contact Vice President Government Affairs Tim Tarpley.